The first one is the I Like Your Style award, from Lisa, thank you so much Lisa. If you love stamping and need some inspiration then Lisa's blog is a must, you can go visit her here Lisa's Stampin! Weblog
Well this award come with some rules, they are:
1. By accepting this award you recognize that the giver ‘LIKES YOUR STYLE’.
2. You agree to display this award proudly on your site, and include a post linking back to the giver.
3. And because there are so many bloggers out there whose style you like, you will share this award with them… however many that may be.
How can I possibly list everyone here whose style I like, I love all your styles or I wouldn't visit your blogs. As there is no limit on how many times I give this out, all I can say is... to all my blogging friends if you haven't already received this award and you read this post, please take it and pop a post about it on your blog, don't be shy...

I've received two lovely awards from Suzi, the first award, doesn't seem to have any rules attached to it, but isn't it pretty. Please pop along and pay Suzi a visit at Sugar n Spice you will be amazed at her work, she's only been crafting since January. Suzi also gave me the Circle of Friends award thank you Suzi for thinking of me.

Believe it or not my lovely blogging buddy Liz gave me these

With the circle of friends award there are rules and they are as follows
1. Make reference to the award and publish it on your blog...2. Share 5 things you like to do....3. Share with 10 blogs...4. Inform each blog
1. Having a good time with my husband Tony, my family and my friends
2. Crafting
3. Spending time on my PC.... blogging, blog hoping, checking out forums, facebook etc etc
4. Gardening only in the warm weather though
5. Living in our caravan in Spain and meeting up with all our wonderful campsite friends.
I think most of my blogging friends already have these awards so I'll passed them on to friends that I think might not have them yet if you do well your getting them again, lol
A New Forum... Magicalcrafts
I recently found a link on Joannes blog to a new crafting forum run by Angel. Why not pop over to Magicalcrafts and give her some support in her new venture, I've already joined and have met up with some old friends and hope to get to know some new one too.
Just off now to let you know that I've given you the award
Well done on the awards hun, BIG thankyou for spreading the word about Magical crafts..
Take Care,
Hugs Angel
Thank you for my lovely award Chris, it is much appreciated
Joanie xxxx
congratulations on your awards hun...and thank you so so much for mine
huge hugs shell xx
have already joined Magical crafts..he he!!!!
WOW, lots of awards Chris, thank you for thinking of me, they are much appreciated.
Joanne x
Well done on all your awards. You have some beautiful projects on your blog.
Good afternoon Chris, wow hunny loads of awards here hunny each and every one well deserved. Hope you are well. I love all the cards you've made since my last visit, you've been a busy bee. Hope your having a good week, hugs Linda x
Thank you so much for thinking of me....I'll add them to my collection when I've done my catch up....hope your all well.
Sylvia x
Hi Chris, Thank you for all the lovely comments you left for me on my blog. Really appreciate them. Hope you are well, take care.
Suzi xx
thanks chris for your kind comment today.
Congrats on all your awards! Thanks for your lovely comments and your birthday wish, I really appreciate it! Have a great weekend! Hugs Nilla
Congrats on all those well deserved awards & have a fantastic weekend hun :)
Hugs xxx
Thanks for the award hun xx Lubs ya xxx Will post it when I get outta hossy (again!)
I just noticed this post!! ha.... It's an oldie but goodie! Thanks bunches. I sure miss your blog posts and your creative genious! I hope you're doing well and are back to blogging soon!
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